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DYU D3F at a glance

by Jesse J. 13 May 2022

Hi and joy to everyone! DYU is a manufacturer of electric bicycles, which are remarkable and very qualitative!

One of them is the D3F. we will see today. Its frame is metallic, has a very practical handle. Its weight is about 17kg and can carry a rider up to 120kg. It has a 36V 10Ah battery that gives it an autonomy of up to about 40km and a top speed at about 25km. It has 250W motor, its wheels are 14"

Learn more about DYU D3F

As you can see it has a front and rear disc brakes. Two muds on the wheels, its pedals are as foldable as the steering wheel. Its saddle is adjustable to height.

This model has no shock absorbers, except for these two springs under the saddle.

It has a useful light back with three options.

The switches here are the activation switch that shows us the battery capacity with 4 LEDs.

This switch once we are at a steady speed, pressing it keeps the speed stable, without having to open, we close the throttle. The front light to activate, we press prolonged here and have a fairly powerful headlight.

It also has this bell.

It is robust construction, convenient and comfortably transported!

That's all and until next video, wish you all the best!

Learn more about DYU D3F

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